
Active Mobility

Active Mobility includes the following activities:


The most common way people move is walking. From taking a walk to a neighbor’s house or to a nearby store on a sidewalk it is a simple way to get around. A hike in the local park or through a remote wilderness is a way to get away from it all. There is also race walking for those who are competitive.


The fastest way to move without using a vehicle is running. On the track there are sprints, relays and hurdle events. As distances increase, more races occur on the roads and trails. If you are not competing, taking a run for exercise or training on a greenway through a park or local sidewalk,

Rollerblading | Rollerskating

Whether on inline wheels (blades) or two sets of two wheels (quads) it is a simple vehicle that rolls anywhere. At the rink there are races or artistic competitions while at the skate park there are displays of skill. This is also part of roller derby and roller hockey.


The skateboard is the easiest vehicle to ride and carry after arriving. Take it cruising along a greenway, sidewalk or trail while powered by kicking or electricity. Alternatively, performing tricks on the street or at the skate park for fun or to earn prize money.


Powered by kicking, stepping or electricity and steered by hand, the scooter works best across all greenways, sidewalks or trails. Besides getting to the destination, It also for tricks on the street or at the skate park.


Either riding on two wheels or balancing on one, it is the fastest vehicle and the one that can easily go father. From a rough terrain trail to a smooth sidewalk, it is versatile in destinations. Competition is equally varied from races velodrome to cross country treks.